Formula Sense

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Worried About Corn Maltodextrin in Your Baby Formula? Don't Be!

A mom recently asked me about corn maltodextrin in infant formula. She was worried that it wasn’t safe for her baby, who was already having digestive problems. Our conversation inspired me to update the Ingredient Search post explaining What is Corn Maltodextrin?

Importantly, I was able to reassure her that maltodextrin is a very safe product and serves a good purpose in formulas. We ended up having a pretty long conversation, covering lots of topics, including:

  • which formulas have maltodextrin (those made for GI concerns or allergies, especially those made with extensively hydrolyzed proteins.)

  • how it is made from natural starch (and not the same as a sugar)

  • how it tastes less sweet than formulas made with glucose or syrup solids

  • how some babies will feel better drinking a specialty formula made with maltodextrin.

I hope you’ll check out that post. And while you are there, check out explanations about other formula ingredients. There is lots to explore.

Baby Formula Ingredients

Reading a baby formula ingredient list can feel like you are learning a new learning a new language. And in a way you are! Nutrition is a science and has its own language. Our ingredient explanations are like having an interpreter to help you make sense of formula.

Of course, education is not a substitute for medical advice. But, every parent should know what is in their baby’s formula.

Our goal is to empower and educate. Formula feeding should be less intimidating.

Let’s make it that way together.

Photo credit: Pexels