One size does not fit all

Choosing the best baby formula

The internet is filled with lists for the “best baby formula.” Maybe you hoped to find one here.
I wish it was possible to make such a list honestly. But it simply isn’t.

Formula is too complicated and personal for simple rankings.

I’m here to let you trade in affiliate links for authentic, unbiased expert support.

Let’s be honest, infant feeding is rarely a straight forward choice.

Sometimes it isn’t even a choice. The body simply needs help.

woman with brown hair holding a bottle and notebook. She is looking up with an exacerbated loo.

Choosing a formula is often daunting. You want the best for your little on, so you’ve searched the internet, asked friends, and scoured store shelves. But wow, are there so many options!

Formula names are adorned with words like soothe, comfort, sensitive, gentle, premium, and advance. New-fangled ingredients complete with their chemical names are marvelously promoted.

How's a parent to make sense of it?

Best baby formula lists are a tempting short cut. At first blush, they look like helpful, but dig deeper and you’ll see that they filled with sponsored links where the writer profits on your choice. Plus, these lists reduce decisions to one or two formula characteristics, yet never share the criteria they use.

Parents deserve better than marketing disguised as education.

“The best baby formula is different for every family.”

— Lisa Richardson, Pediatric Dietitian and Founder of Formula Sense

Curious about an infant formula ingredient? Use the ingredient search