Recall Alert: "Angel Formula"

Today, the FDA issued a recall for Moor Herb’s “Angel Formula”

This product is dangerous for babies. It has too much sodium and and potassium, nutrients which are vital to infant health. Excess amounts of sodium and potassium (both electrolytes) can even cause death.

If this wasn’t bad enough, this diablo of a “formula” contains no vitamin D! As we explained in our article, Key Things to Know about Plant-based, Vegan, and Soy Infant Formulas, there is no vegan infant in the United States, because all US formulas contain a form of vitamin D. The company selling this formula promotes itself as having vegan products. Seems likely that this vital nutrient was left out because it comes from sheep’s wool.

The entire ingredient list for “Angel Formula” is hellish! After the recall notice, I found the product still listed for sale online. The ingredient list is shocking: bladderwrack seaweed, irish moss, morgina leaf, alfalfa leaf, lucuma fruit, baobab fruit, canary seed, and flax seed. And, the product is made in a home kitchen in Michigan!

If you know of anyone using a homemade or non-commercially made formula, please alert them to the serious risks these formulas cause. And, also report the product to the US FDA. Complaints can be submitted by phone or their online reporting system.


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