Problem Solver, Recall Lisa Richardson, MS, RD, LDN Problem Solver, Recall Lisa Richardson, MS, RD, LDN

How Long Does Baby Formula Last?

The infant formula shortages have families scrambling to find formula. Once a parent finds it, they don’t want any to go to waste.

This past week, I’ve answered several questions about how long it is safe to keep baby formula after it has been prepared. This reminded me to re-post an article on this topic that I was quoted in.

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Problem Solver Lisa Richardson, MS, RD, LDN Problem Solver Lisa Richardson, MS, RD, LDN

How Hydrolyzed are the Proteins in HiPP HA?

Recently, a dietitian wrote and asked me the how hydrolyzed the milk proteins are in HiPP HA Combiotik infant formula. This savvy question is about infant formula safety. The abbreviation “HA” stands for hypoallergenic, a word that in the United States has a specific definition. Is it the same for European-made infant formulas?

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